Monday, January 14, 2008

New working hours

Well, I just wanted to write a little note to let you all know about my new hours at work. As most of you know, for the last 3 months I've been working overnights and it's been a pretty hard time for me. Before this I would have told you that working nights is the best thing for me. Well, I don't know if it's that I'm a little older or that I now have things that I like to do during the day, but it was the hardest thing for me to do these overnights. I would leave the house usually around 8 PM and not get back until between 7 and 8 the next morning. I found that the hardest thing about it was wanting to spend more time with Jennifer and not wanting to leave just a few hours after she got home.

But anyway those nights are over now and I'm back onto days now. Or should I say early mornings. Now, I'm not really a morning person at all, but if it means I get to stay home and sleep in my bed at night, I'm all for it right now. I do have to leave pretty early in the morning, but it's not really too bad. I have to leave at 5 AM now. With the switch back to mornings they put me back down to only working about 20-25 hours again. With me working 4 or 5 hours a day. This made no sense to me because I felt my bus commuting time shouldn't be equal to or greater than the time I spend at work. So, I've worked it out with them that I now work 3 eight hour days a week. So, I'm working the same hours but I don't have to be there 5 days a week. They weren't too sure about this, but have gone along with it for now. They said they'd have to keep track of the store needing the shelving time before we open on the other 2 days. But I think it should work out fine. So, I start my new schedule today and I'm really looking forward to it. Not really the getting up and 3:30 or 4 but the being able to spend more time at home doing things I care more about.

Oh and the other reason I wanted to work fewer days is to spend more time on my writing. So, you may see some additions to the site. Who knows. I may even start updating you on the comings and goings of our lives out here in Oregon. I'll keep you all updated.


Anonymous said...

It's always good to have an update on here about what's happening with you two. We are praying, as always, that God will continue to lead you. Let Him use your talents!

Shawn S. said...

Great to hear they agreed to the fewer days. That will make a big difference, I'm sure.


Sara K. said...

Great news! I know that is what you have been hoping for!! Can't wait to see how that boils up the creative juices!!! :) -S

Anonymous said...

Thank you for being willing to work those aweful hours for three months. I too am glad you are not still working overnight.

It has been one week now on the new schedule. I hope it is working well for you and the store.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're back on days. I've worked that overnight shift before, and it stinks.

Between three and four in the morning was the worst for me. If I could make it past four, I was good.

When are they going to realize what a good worker you are, and that they should lock you in by making you full time?

Dad Cole