Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Well, I know I haven't updated here in a while, and as most of you know, things are going on in my life. So, I thought I'd change this blog up a little. It's now called Max & Me. And as you can probably tell from the title, it will be about my adventures with Max. So, to start off with, here are a few pictures of the nursery and of course Max's beautiful mom. Oh, and mark your calenders for next Wed. 4-29-09 looks to be the day that Max will come into this world. Already he is being stubborn. I think he gets that from his mom, cause I'm not stubborn at all.

Well, I'll try and keep you all updated on our adventures. I hope you all enjoy them as much as we will.


Cheri said...

I love all the pictures! It's looking pretty good. We're excited to see little Max. I wish I could be there on the 29th. We will see you in about a month though.

Sara K. said...

Looks great! I hope Max is settling in well! -S