Friday, July 31, 2009

Max on the Max

Here is a video that I thought you all might like to see. It was taken on the Max train on the way home from the airport. Isn't he just the cutest thing?


Sara K. said...

Oh my goodness he is getting so big! Wow! he has really grown since we saw him. Such a cutie! Thanks for the video! Keep those pictures coming - his aunt and uncle need their Max fix! -S

Cheri said...

He is so adorable! I miss him (and you) so much.

Glenn said...

Very cute. Thank you for sharing this. :)
Glenn & Nancy

GaleS said...

He sure was enjoying his trip on the "Red Train"!!! Even after his 3-4 hour plane trip.
Love, Dad :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing this bird's eye view - you gotta love technology!