Saturday, November 25, 2006

Busy stuffings...

Well, not much going on right now. But I can't say that about the last few days. Like I said before, Jennifer and I took a rental car down to her grandparents for Thanksgiving dinner. As to why a rental car, we don't trust either of our cars on a trip out of town. We barely trust them in town. Neither one will be making the journey west with us the summer. Don't really feel like getting halfway and having to figure out how to get the rest of the way. So, we're looking to sell both our cars and use that money, which won't be a whole lot, to help us move or pay for a rental car to get us out there. We're not sure if they let you do one way rental cars anymore, but that's what we're looking at. Right now we are thinking about going carless after the move. A question to those carless readers out there, how do you do groceries and things like that? That's the only hang up that we have on it. We are both looking forward to not having a car. We thought about getting a new or new to us car, but were planning on trying to take public transit as much as we could. Then we thought, why make payments on a new car to have it sit in our driveway. So, that's our thoughts for now.

All that after starting out to tell you that we had a really good time at Jennifer's grandparents. It was really nice to be with family for the holiday. I didn't like having to drive back right after dinner, but that's the way it goes. We stopped on the way out of town to get some Mountain Dew to keep me up after the coma affects of the turkey.

Work has been interesting these last couple days. It was busier yesterday morning when we opened then it has been at our busiest times lately. It was crazy all day yesterday. Today started out really slow. We figured that people were just sleeping in after having spent hours upon hours shopping yesterday. Sure enough, around noon it picked up and was busy when I left at 6. I know it sounds bad, but I'm just so happy to get out of there everyday. I don't even care what I'm doing outside of work. I'd much rather be doing that then be at work.

Well, I think that's it for now. I'll leave you with a picture of the bandit from earlier known as Stinky to those who've been close enough to smell him. He was apprehended with minimal injury. The streets are safe again.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Your Wish Is My Command

Since the fans have spoken... Here you go. Not really much to say right now. I'm tired and it will only get worse. Tomorrow after work Jennifer and I pack up a rented car and follow her parents down to her grandparents place in Hesston, KS. We'll spend thanksgiving with them and then drive back Thursday evening. I have to be at work at 9 on Friday, so we can't stay as long as we'd like to. Things are going crazy at work. Busy. I'm so tired I don't even know why I'm up still and writing on here. But the fans have put in the request so, I thought I'd give in to the presure.

As you may have guessed, because of the lack of updates on it, I've stoped writing for now. I'm just too busy and tired. I figure I'll pick it back up at some point. No point in rushing it. I would like to finish this story though. So, I'll have to try it again in a few months.
I'll leave you with a picture to sum things up.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Umm... Yeah...

So... after the last couple up and more happy posts here goes a downer. Sorry... I haven't been feeling well lately. Yesterday I stayed home sick. I actually threw up while getting ready to go to work and so decided a day of rest would be good. I'm still not feeling great and just hoping to make it through the day. I've had an almost constant headache for most of the past week or so. It rarely leaves me. And is the cause of some confusion in my mind. I've felt my mind slow a little these last weeks as it deals with the pain. I can't figure out what is wrong and causing this, but I hope it gets worked out soon. I do know that headaches can be a side effect of depression, but I've never had them like this before. I know, I know... I should just go to the doctor and get things checked out. But I honestly don't have the energy. I sit around all the time that I'm not working because it seems to take everything out of me. I come home so drained and tired that most night I eat dinner and then fall asleep watching tv. I barely spend time with Jennifer anymore. Partially because of exhaustion and partially because of schedule. I know things will only get worse for the next little while. I'm not sure if or when they might get better. I think having this move on my mind is causing a great amount of stress. That might be the cause of it all. Who knows...

Well, I have to go back to work now. Hopefully the rest of today will go easier then the first part.


Saturday, November 11, 2006



If you see this escaped convict be warned. He is armed with a loaded slober gun and is considered highly dangerous to himself and those around him. If you see him, do not be taken in by his pouting eyes or his sagging lips. It's just his way of suckering you in, so you'll take him home and give him some food and water. If you see him. Please contact the owner of this blog and we will catch this convict before he can hurt someone else. He is known by the names Buddha, Stinky, BG, and Dog Faced Gremlin.

Smile... It's good for you

Well, I am feeling better now. Nothing much going on. Just working and stuff. Turns out they really probably didn't need me there on Thursday anyway. But I'm sure they were still glad to have me. Wouldn't anyone be? As you might be able to tell, I'm in a much better mood today. I'm not sure why. Maybe it's because I'm getting more sleep. As I say that I'm reminded that I should be in bed right now. I'll be going there soon. I'm just excited. I've been reading a book on Portland, OR, that I picked up at work. Since my wife and I are planning on moving there soon, I thought I would take a more detailed look at the city and see what there is to see there. The more I read and look at things for out there, the more I can't wait to move. I'm really hoping that things will work out to move in May or so. We still have to figure out where exactly to move and where exactly to work, but I'm sure that things will work out.

As to the reasons for this rather drastic move... I'm just sick of being away from the mountains and water. I guess I've never really lived (while I could really enjoy it) to close to the ocean, but growing up surrounded by mountains has left it's mark on me. Living here for the last 5-6 years has also left it's mark on me. I'm not sure, but I think it's part of the reason I'm as down as I am sometimes. I know that once I live out there for a while, I'll get used to things and I might feel different. But to walk out and see the mountains and the trees and to be able to drive to the ocean on a day off... WOW!!! That's really all I have to say. WOW!!! I also promised Jennifer that if she misses snow at any time, we can probably go up to Mount Hood and she can get her fill. I for one am really looking forward to this. For me, it's where my heart has always been. Not necessarily Portland, but that area. And the more I look at Portland, the more I think it will be a perfect fit for Jennifer and me.

Well, now that I've gone on and on about that, I really should be getting to bed. I hope things are going good with all of you out there in blogreaderland. Things are definitely looking up here in flatlanderland.


Wednesday, November 08, 2006


The title says it all. I came home sick from work today and I feel horrible. I was going to try and make it all the way through the day at work, but my managers sent me home. They said that it was more important that I'm feeling better tomorrow, then be there today. Today is our down day, and tomorrow we get a shipment in. So, I went home. I figured by the time the second one told me, I either looked like death or they knew I was trying my best to hide it. So yeah... Blah...

I hate being sick. I think I've been coming down with something for a few days now. I know I feeling horrible lately. It makes doing anything hard. I was up all last night. I wasn't tired. I can't explain it. I just wasn't. I wasn't feeling like writing either. Just completely down. I'm going to try and find a picture that might make my day better and hopefully yours too... Well, I'll have to find one that I like... I'll try and post it later...


Monday, November 06, 2006

Late to sleep, late to rise

Once again, I'm up too late, but such is my life. Most of my posts will be in the middle of the night. It's the best time to think for me. I don't have much to say. I didn't do anything today. I missed church this morning, because I didn't sleep last night and didn't feel great this morning. So, I ended up sleeping on the couch this morning and most of the afternoon. Now I'm about to go to bed for the night. At least it's not quite time for Jennifer to get up yet. I'm happy about that.

I did write another thousand words in my story. It's coming along pretty good so far. One of the things NaNoWriMo tells you to do, is tell as many people as you can that you are doing this. That way you'll work harder to get it done so you don't have to tell everyone that you didn't make it. So, I'll probably be updating you all on the progress of it as the month goes on. I plan on writing for a while tomorrow. We'll see how that goes.

Well, I think that's all for now. My hands are getting tired of writing.

Goodnight or morning or whatever.


Sunday, November 05, 2006

No Use For A Title

I really have nothing to say right now. I just thought I'd post something here since I just set this account up. I've done blogs on other sites, and I might keep some of those up, but I might just move over to this one. Who knows. Nothing really great going on right now. Work. Sleep. Work. Sleep. I am trying to write a story though. I joined a thing called National Novel Writing Month or NaNoWriMo. The goal is to write a 50,000 word story in the month of November. I'm already 5 days in and I've only got a little over 1,000 words. Oh well. No big deal if I don't make it. I just thought it would be fun to try.

I don't really have much else to say right now. I should be in bed sleeping, not a big suprise to most who will be reading this. Well, I think that's it for now. I'll try and write more some other time.
