Well, not much going on right now. But I can't say that about the last few days. Like I said before, Jennifer and I took a rental car down to her grandparents for Thanksgiving dinner. As to why a rental car, we don't trust either of our cars on a trip out of town. We barely trust them in town. Neither one will be making the journey west with us the summer. Don't really feel like getting halfway and having to figure out how to get the rest of the way. So, we're looking to sell both our cars and use that money, which won't be a whole lot, to help us move or pay for a rental car to get us out there. We're not sure if they let you do one way rental cars anymore, but that's what we're looking at. Right now we are thinking about going carless after the move. A question to those carless readers out there, how do you do groceries and things like that? That's the only hang up that we have on it. We are both looking forward to not having a car. We thought about getting a new or new to us car, but were planning on trying to take public transit as much as we could. Then we thought, why make payments on a new car to have it sit in our driveway. So, that's our thoughts for now.
All that after starting out to tell you that we had a really good time at Jennifer's grandparents. It was really nice to be with family for the holiday. I didn't like having to drive back right after dinner, but that's the way it goes. We stopped on the way out of town to get some Mountain Dew to keep me up after the coma affects of the turkey.
Work has been interesting these last couple days. It was busier yesterday morning when we opened then it has been at our busiest times lately. It was crazy all day yesterday. Today started out really slow. We figured that people were just sleeping in after having spent hours upon hours shopping yesterday. Sure enough, around noon it picked up and was busy when I left at 6. I know it sounds bad, but I'm just so happy to get out of there everyday. I don't even care what I'm doing outside of work. I'd much rather be doing that then be at work.
Well, I think that's it for now. I'll leave you with a picture of the bandit from earlier known as Stinky to those who've been close enough to smell him. He was apprehended with minimal injury. The streets are safe again.

1 comment:
Car commentary - or should I say No Car commentary:
Grocery shopping:
We tend to take a lot more little trips. It is easier to carry bags when you go together. Also everyone around here has metal push carts that you can fill with the bags. So we just take the bus for these or go next door to a Latin Market by our apt. When you look for places to live check for stores that are in a walking distance. We also get our flexcar for big trips. And since you will be in Portland they have flexcars and zipcars there! You can make it work, I promise!!! -Sara
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