Saturday, November 11, 2006

Smile... It's good for you

Well, I am feeling better now. Nothing much going on. Just working and stuff. Turns out they really probably didn't need me there on Thursday anyway. But I'm sure they were still glad to have me. Wouldn't anyone be? As you might be able to tell, I'm in a much better mood today. I'm not sure why. Maybe it's because I'm getting more sleep. As I say that I'm reminded that I should be in bed right now. I'll be going there soon. I'm just excited. I've been reading a book on Portland, OR, that I picked up at work. Since my wife and I are planning on moving there soon, I thought I would take a more detailed look at the city and see what there is to see there. The more I read and look at things for out there, the more I can't wait to move. I'm really hoping that things will work out to move in May or so. We still have to figure out where exactly to move and where exactly to work, but I'm sure that things will work out.

As to the reasons for this rather drastic move... I'm just sick of being away from the mountains and water. I guess I've never really lived (while I could really enjoy it) to close to the ocean, but growing up surrounded by mountains has left it's mark on me. Living here for the last 5-6 years has also left it's mark on me. I'm not sure, but I think it's part of the reason I'm as down as I am sometimes. I know that once I live out there for a while, I'll get used to things and I might feel different. But to walk out and see the mountains and the trees and to be able to drive to the ocean on a day off... WOW!!! That's really all I have to say. WOW!!! I also promised Jennifer that if she misses snow at any time, we can probably go up to Mount Hood and she can get her fill. I for one am really looking forward to this. For me, it's where my heart has always been. Not necessarily Portland, but that area. And the more I look at Portland, the more I think it will be a perfect fit for Jennifer and me.

Well, now that I've gone on and on about that, I really should be getting to bed. I hope things are going good with all of you out there in blogreaderland. Things are definitely looking up here in flatlanderland.



Mrs. Shafer said...

I can't wait either :o )

Shawn S. said...

We say...yay moving...and yay change of scenery!!! We are so excited for your new adventure.