Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Yes Sara, you are correct, the qoute if from Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. The prize is the knowledge that you are that much smarter for knowing the answer. I just finished HPATCOS in my quest to read all six before July 21st when Deathly Hallows comes out. I'm now a good ways into Prisoner of Azkaban. The first 2 kinda dragged on this time. Maybe because I've read them each way too many times. But the third one is picking up again.

Things are going good here. I'm tired and ready for the next few weeks to be done with. It's funny, the week that I took off for our trip to Portland, is the same weekend as Educators Savings Weekend at the store. So, I don't have to deal with all the teachers that floodinto our store on that weekend. It is a good deal though if you can get into a store on that weekend though.

Well, I think that's all for now. I'll talk to you later.


Friday, February 23, 2007

New quote

I've changed the quote under the title. Can anyone tell me where it's from and who said it?

No news is good news... maybe...

Well, I'm sorry about not updating since getting back from our little trip. I should put a post up telling about our little trip, but I might wait a little while on that until I get the pictures on my computer and then can show them to you all with the stories and such.

Needless to say, it was a great weekend and a much needed break from normal life. It always feels good to get away.

This week has been going pretty good. Yesterday was not a good day for me. I woke up at 2 and then threw up about an hour later. I didn't feel good at all. I have no idea what made me sick, but I'm still not sure that I'm feeling better today. I'm going into work, but that has more to do with having to go in, than anything else. We have inventory next weekend on March 4th. I'm going in at like 2am Monday morning and working til about noon or so. This will be in addition to the near 40 hours I'll put in the rest of the week. Supposedly I can have as much overtime as I want to get the pull that comes after our inventory done. I've decided to do as much as I can to try and save some more for our coming move. But I also don't yet know how I'll feel next week. I might all just depend on how I'm feeling as the week moves on. I know I'll probably get at least 8-10 hours on Monday, but I'm not sure what else I'll get. The real problem is that even while we are needing to get all this stuff out of our store, we'll still be getting about 7 or 8 pallets in that week. So, I also have to keep up my regular schedule to help get all of that done as well. Oh well.

I think that's all for today. I'll try and get those pictures of last weekend on here soon.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Safe and Sound

We made it here safe. It was an interesting trip though. To start off with, it took us over an hour to get out of Olathe from our house. Then it took us another hour or so to get through the next 30-40 miles. We drove about 30-40 mpg for so long. It was the longest trip I've taken in a long time. Than once we got past Ottawa, KS, the roads cleared right up and we were able to go faster. That was nice.

Well, I'll leave it there for now. I'm sure we'll have plenty to tell everyone about when we get back home on Monday. Thanks for all the prayer.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Snow and trip...

Well, as the title implies, it's snowing and we're taking a trip this weekend. We are going down to see Jennifer's grandparents in Hesston, Kansas. It should be a fun weekend. But it is snowing outside right now here. I have to check to see what it's like for the trip. We'll see. Pray for a safe trip. Thanks.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Another prayer request...

This time it's not for me though. Jennifer is sick and has had to stay home yesterday and today. We would appreciate some special prayer for her to feel better. Thanks.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

At The Beautiful Gate

I wrote this a couple days ago. I thought you might like to see that I'm still writing, some anyway. I'd like to hear from everyone on whay they think of this. I'm reading through Acts now and came upon the story of the beggar and then wrote this song. I hope you all like it.
At The Beautiful Gate
Acts 3:1-10
Geoffrey D. Shafer

Each day they carry me here
To do the only thing I know hot to do
I’ve been here for as long as I can remember
Just trying to get by
I ask the strangers for what they can give
Some laugh, some cry
And some just pass on by

Today seemed to be no different
I asked two strangers for a dime
They stopped and looked at me
I got scared and looked down
One of them said, “look at us”
I saw love in his eyes as he said,

“Silver and gold I don’t have
But let this be my gift to you
In the name of Jesus of Nazareth
Rise up my child and walk”

I didn’t believe what he was saying
How could this man think to cure me?
But as I looked down at my feet
I saw they were renewed
So I started to stand up
My feet grew steady under me
I looked into this man’s eyes
And I praised God for healing me
I ran into the temple courts
Running and jumping for the first time
I wanted everyone to see me
And join their voices with my praise

Silver and gold I may not have
But I’ve been given is so much more
In the name of Jesus of Nazareth
I’ve been healed and I can walk

Silver and gold I don’t have
But let this be my gift to you
In the name of Jesus of Nazareth
Rise up my child and walk
Rise up my child and walk
Rise up my child you are whole