Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Yes Sara, you are correct, the qoute if from Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. The prize is the knowledge that you are that much smarter for knowing the answer. I just finished HPATCOS in my quest to read all six before July 21st when Deathly Hallows comes out. I'm now a good ways into Prisoner of Azkaban. The first 2 kinda dragged on this time. Maybe because I've read them each way too many times. But the third one is picking up again.

Things are going good here. I'm tired and ready for the next few weeks to be done with. It's funny, the week that I took off for our trip to Portland, is the same weekend as Educators Savings Weekend at the store. So, I don't have to deal with all the teachers that floodinto our store on that weekend. It is a good deal though if you can get into a store on that weekend though.

Well, I think that's all for now. I'll talk to you later.



Anonymous said...

What's wrong with dealing with teachers? You have a lot in the family. Ha! Ha! Just joking. I wish I could go to a Border's. They're too far away. Good to here from you again.

Shawn S. said...

What are teachers pushy and fussy? What ever do you mean?! Danger Will Robinson!!!! Hee hee!

When I went to the IRA conference in Reno a few years ago I was never so appalled but just how grabby and aggressive those teachers were for the free or discounted stuff. It was hard not to join in...if you wanted the goodies that had been brought to the conference!!!

I will pick up HP again soon, at least book 5 and 6. I agree that after having read the first ones so many times, they are a bit more of a chore to read. Oh July 21...HP and the crew better not die and I want Dumbledore to come back and Snape to somehow be redeemed!!! *We will have to compare notes then! -Sara