Sunday, February 04, 2007

At The Beautiful Gate

I wrote this a couple days ago. I thought you might like to see that I'm still writing, some anyway. I'd like to hear from everyone on whay they think of this. I'm reading through Acts now and came upon the story of the beggar and then wrote this song. I hope you all like it.
At The Beautiful Gate
Acts 3:1-10
Geoffrey D. Shafer

Each day they carry me here
To do the only thing I know hot to do
I’ve been here for as long as I can remember
Just trying to get by
I ask the strangers for what they can give
Some laugh, some cry
And some just pass on by

Today seemed to be no different
I asked two strangers for a dime
They stopped and looked at me
I got scared and looked down
One of them said, “look at us”
I saw love in his eyes as he said,

“Silver and gold I don’t have
But let this be my gift to you
In the name of Jesus of Nazareth
Rise up my child and walk”

I didn’t believe what he was saying
How could this man think to cure me?
But as I looked down at my feet
I saw they were renewed
So I started to stand up
My feet grew steady under me
I looked into this man’s eyes
And I praised God for healing me
I ran into the temple courts
Running and jumping for the first time
I wanted everyone to see me
And join their voices with my praise

Silver and gold I may not have
But I’ve been given is so much more
In the name of Jesus of Nazareth
I’ve been healed and I can walk

Silver and gold I don’t have
But let this be my gift to you
In the name of Jesus of Nazareth
Rise up my child and walk
Rise up my child and walk
Rise up my child you are whole


Mrs. Shafer said...

As always it's an amazing song!

Anonymous said...

God has given you such a wonderful gift in writing music! I am excited to see how He plans to use you and your gift for His glory!
Love, Mom

Shawn S. said...

Great imagery, Geoff. Keep it up. -Shawn

Shawn S. said...

Wow! Great writing! I can really see it. I wish I could hear the music too! I bet it is as wonderful as the words. :) -Sara