Sunday, July 01, 2007

First week of work...

Well, this was my first week of working again. But, it has also brought on a bad case of sickness. I woke up Friday morning not feeling good, but thinking it would go away. Well, it didn't. It only got worse. My sinus' were draining like crazy and I was starting to not feel good at all by the time I headed home. I'm still not sure how I made it home that day without collapsing, but I did. I wasn't on my feet for more than a few minutes though once I got home. Jennifer had some Sudafed left over and so I took some of that I started to feel a little better. I went back and forth between sleeping and being awake for most of that night. I have to say that Jennifer took pretty good care of me. But all through out the night I was going from burning hot to feeling cold, while still being extremely hot to the touch.

Needless to say by the time work came around I was not feeling very alive. So, I waited until the others got to work and regretfully called in sick. I hated doing this, but I didn't feel I had much choice. I didn't think they'd want me to get everyone else sick and I doubted that they would want a zombie wondering around their store.

Aside from that this week has gone really well. I think I've shown them my worth by being able to do so many things that not everyone can do. It feels good to have new people complement me. I must say that I like this new store. True it is about twice as big as my old one. But it's a really nice place and the people are nice too. I wasn't too sure about meeting all the new people, but they actually remind me of the people at the other store. It's strange how that works.

Well, I think that's all for now. Hopefully I'm feeling better by Tuesday.

1 comment:

Shawn S. said...


Glad to hear that the new place has been so great! And, hopefully, because you have been able to go to work, you are feeling much better! Also, way to be so great that they already notice that you are better than the rest!!! So glad it is working out!!! -Sara