Sunday, July 22, 2007

So, Long Time, No Update

Well, it's been awhile since I last updated you all. So, I thought I'd say a few words. Work is going good. My schedule is now Monday to Friday 6:30-1 or 2. I like this because it gives me the weekends off. The main reason I have this schedule now is that I can't get to work until at least 7 on Saturdays and they didn't like that very much. So, we switched it up. Also this will give me the weekends to spend with Jennifer, seeing as those are her days off too. She is supposed to start work sometime this next week, but has to wait for the paper work to be done, so probably not till Tuesday or Wednesday.

Jennifer and I tried to make it in to get our Oregon Driver's License on Friday, but we didn't have the right papers to show our residency here so we will try to make it back in tomorrow after I get off work, if Jennifer doesn't work. We'll have to wait and see.

Then the big news that everyone is talking about is that Harry Potter 7 came out. I wanted to go out to the midnight release, but there was no way we would have made it back home, so we made the trip out to Border's Saturday morning to pick it up. I haven't read that much yet. Unfortunately I have to sleep sometimes. If I had been able to get it Friday night I would have stayed up reading it, but I can't do that now. Maybe tonight, but we'll have to see about that.

This morning Jennifer and I got up and went to church for the first time while here in Portland. We took a short bus ride over to St. Bartholomew's Episcopal Church here in Beaverton. We neither one really felt at home in this church though and are not too sure if we will go back. But oh well. We knew it wouldn't be easy to find a new church. We have several more that we'll try though. We'll keep you updated on the church search.

I think that's it for now.


Sara K. said...

Glad to hear that work is going well!!! It is SO great that you have weekends off. That really rocks!! And I can't wait to dish the dirt about Harry and his adventures! Let me know when you are done!!! I know church shopping can be hard, God will lead. Hug to you both! -S

Shawn S. said...

Hey Geoff, I know the music director there at St Bart's, Ward Nelson. He's a good guy, but from what I know of their liturgy and programs it's probably not the place I'd start either. That said, they do have some really great people and do good work - which in the end (and considering transportation) might be enough. Sts Peter and Paul in Portland (8147 SE Pine St) is probably quite a ways from you, but is definitely worth the trip. We found the people very friendly and service quite nice. St Mark's Anglican is closer (1025 NW 21st Ave); it's a higher church with a good mass and nice people, and a good coffee hour. Sara wasn't so keen on it being part of the ACA, but that's close to territory you've swam before. Let us know how your search goes. I have other contacts I can poll for more ideas, so keep us informed.

Good luck, and cheers!