Sunday, August 12, 2007

Changes to blog

Well. You've probably already noticed one of the changes. I don't know why, but I just like this one better. There will also be other changes to my blog. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with it, but I don't feel that it will be the same no matter what. I'll probably still post on here from time to time. But it will not be a day by day account of my life. I can only post that I got up, went to work, came home, eat and slept so many times before it gets a little boring. I will still post things on here from time to time. But probably not everyday and probably not about the comings and goings of my life.

I have several things I'm thinking about doing with this space. One of the is an outlet for creative writing. I don't know how that one will pan out, but we'll have to wait and see. I just wanted to let anyone who does read this not to expect too much out of me on here. I just don't seem to have it in me to do this kind of day to day life reporting. Or, at least, don't have interesting things to write about from day to day.

Well, now that I've said my peace I'll be off and out for a while.



Anonymous said...

It's just always good to hear something from you. Have a wonderful day today!

Sara K. said...

I like the new title! And the black is a sleek look! I say "GO FOR IT!" and make this blog your own! WE love to hear from you and would enjoy whatever sharing you write about!

As a fan of both you and Jen I would request a new shared/combined blog for you and Jen that perhaps gives us the highlights of Oregon life. You could report the life stuff there and save your individual blogs to share your personal information/opinions/creative writing/whatever. Just a thought from the blog obsessed! -S

Anonymous said...


Steve told me how impressed he is with your blog, so I thought I would take a look. He is correct; it is very nice.

Mom C