Wednesday, November 08, 2006


The title says it all. I came home sick from work today and I feel horrible. I was going to try and make it all the way through the day at work, but my managers sent me home. They said that it was more important that I'm feeling better tomorrow, then be there today. Today is our down day, and tomorrow we get a shipment in. So, I went home. I figured by the time the second one told me, I either looked like death or they knew I was trying my best to hide it. So yeah... Blah...

I hate being sick. I think I've been coming down with something for a few days now. I know I feeling horrible lately. It makes doing anything hard. I was up all last night. I wasn't tired. I can't explain it. I just wasn't. I wasn't feeling like writing either. Just completely down. I'm going to try and find a picture that might make my day better and hopefully yours too... Well, I'll have to find one that I like... I'll try and post it later...



Shawn S. said...

Yuck! I hate being sick too! And I am always the last to admit it. Once I threw up on the way to school and Shawn still had to force me to get a sub for the day!

Hopefully some rest today will help you to feel better!

Mrs. Shafer said...

I'm sorry that you were sick... hopefully that bug will pass me by :o )