Saturday, December 02, 2006

Cars and why I hate the cold...

Well, I should start of by saying that I can't stand snow. Most of you know that, but it's true. I hate how it ruins everything mainly. I went to work on Wednesday and the weather was OK. A little overcast, but not bad. Then it started to rain ice. It's kinda fun your fist time or two, and wouldn't be too bad, if I didn't have to be anywhere. It continued to do this all night and by the next morning all the schools had closed. I woke up to Jennifer happily saying that she had a snow day. That's not a good way to start the day. I knew I'd still have to go to work. It was pretty stupid for us to be open. I think they paid the employees more then we made between Wednesday and Thursday. But we were there all day anyway. I think it had to do with the manager who made the decision getting off at 5. What does he care if everyone else has to stay until 10. Anyway...

Thursday, when I went to get into my car, I couldn't get the door to unlock. I didn't think much of it. It was really cold out and I figured that the lock just froze. So I took Jennifer's car into work. One of her friends picked her up and had her babysit her kids for the night. I stayed home.

Friday morning I woke up to Jennifer coming in the front door and Buddha jumping off the chair barking like a mad dog. Then going crazy when he saw it was her. He is such a mommas boy. Anyway. I got ready for work and went to leave. I thought I'd try my car again and got into it this time. I turned it on and closed the door to clear the foot of snow of it. After clearing most of the snow off, I tried to open the door again and get the scrapper out. I couldn't open the door. I knew that I had unlocked the doors and could see that it was unlocked. So I tried pulling harder on the door. For those of you who know my car, I'm already missing the door handle on the passenger side and this is a replacement handle on the drivers side. So, I'm pulling and I hear a snap. I look down expecting to have the door handle in my hands. Nope. It's still on the door. But the panel on the door that surrounds that handle is now broken. I'll try and get some pictures of it up here later. The car is running. I'm becoming late for work and I can't get into my car. Luckily I know how to break into my car. Like I said before it's happened before and I've figured a way to get into the passenger side and get the keys out. But I'm not sure that I can drive this car anymore. If I have to replace the whole door, I'm pretty sure that the door would cost more then the car is worth. Right now I'm looking for a cheap car to get me through the next 6-7 months until I sell it again. I'm not sure what's going to happen, but I do know that I hate cars and the cold.

1 comment:

Shawn S. said...

Okay - I can see where your disdain of snow and cold comes from! Lets us know how the car search goes. -Sara