Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Umm... Yeah...

So... after the last couple up and more happy posts here goes a downer. Sorry... I haven't been feeling well lately. Yesterday I stayed home sick. I actually threw up while getting ready to go to work and so decided a day of rest would be good. I'm still not feeling great and just hoping to make it through the day. I've had an almost constant headache for most of the past week or so. It rarely leaves me. And is the cause of some confusion in my mind. I've felt my mind slow a little these last weeks as it deals with the pain. I can't figure out what is wrong and causing this, but I hope it gets worked out soon. I do know that headaches can be a side effect of depression, but I've never had them like this before. I know, I know... I should just go to the doctor and get things checked out. But I honestly don't have the energy. I sit around all the time that I'm not working because it seems to take everything out of me. I come home so drained and tired that most night I eat dinner and then fall asleep watching tv. I barely spend time with Jennifer anymore. Partially because of exhaustion and partially because of schedule. I know things will only get worse for the next little while. I'm not sure if or when they might get better. I think having this move on my mind is causing a great amount of stress. That might be the cause of it all. Who knows...

Well, I have to go back to work now. Hopefully the rest of today will go easier then the first part.



Shawn S. said...

As the daughter of a know what I am thinking.

I sorry things are not going well! We will be praying for you. We are worried, so I hope that there is a change for you soon!

Keep your chin up! Two people in Arlington are thinking of you today!

Shawn S. said...

11/21 - Your fans are dying for a new post...please appease us!!!!