Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Your Wish Is My Command

Since the fans have spoken... Here you go. Not really much to say right now. I'm tired and it will only get worse. Tomorrow after work Jennifer and I pack up a rented car and follow her parents down to her grandparents place in Hesston, KS. We'll spend thanksgiving with them and then drive back Thursday evening. I have to be at work at 9 on Friday, so we can't stay as long as we'd like to. Things are going crazy at work. Busy. I'm so tired I don't even know why I'm up still and writing on here. But the fans have put in the request so, I thought I'd give in to the presure.

As you may have guessed, because of the lack of updates on it, I've stoped writing for now. I'm just too busy and tired. I figure I'll pick it back up at some point. No point in rushing it. I would like to finish this story though. So, I'll have to try it again in a few months.
I'll leave you with a picture to sum things up.


Shawn S. said...

You are SOOOOOOO good to us!

Blech! I hate that you have to work extra this time of year...when lots of people are able to loaf! Blech, I say again!!!

I figured that Friday would be a pretty icky day. It is nice that you don't have to be there at 3:00 am or something like that!

Why a rental car? Oh I am such a nosey-Rosey!!!

We send a hug!!!

Shawn S. said...

Tired is not great...but our neph-dog looks so darling in that picture!

Mrs. Shafer said...

I just love our baby boy :o )