Monday, January 29, 2007


Just a note to all of you out there. I really need some prayer right now. I'm trying to heal and fix some things, and I need help. I'm not ready to talk about it, so please don't ask. I'll post again about this when I'm ready to be asked. Then you can ask away. But for please just pray. Know that I'm good and getting better, but still have a long way to go.


Anonymous said...

Please know that I always pray for you. May God do His work in you this very day that you may be healed in every way!
Love, Mom

Shawn S. said...

We too always pray for you...but now we will focus on a special intention for healing! We send our love to you and a tchno-hug! -S and S

Mrs. Shafer said...

I love you :o )
F & A