Friday, February 23, 2007

New quote

I've changed the quote under the title. Can anyone tell me where it's from and who said it?


Shawn S. said...

From a google search I find that Albus Dumbledore quotes that to Harry in Harry Potter. So, since Dumbledore may not be real...hee hee...then it should be attributed to JK Rowling. There may be another source... -Sara

Shawn S. said...

I was thinking about this yesterday...was that a "test" or a question because you weren't sure? And if it was a "test" do I get THE PRIZE? And what is the prize? :) How about you pull some strings in the book world and get me an advance copy of book 7!!!! Ha ha ha! :) Just kidding!! Thanks for sending me on a quest!! What did we ever do before google? :) -Sara