Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Well... as those of you who read Jennifer's blog may already know, those computer problems I talked about before were not over with. Neither is the anxiousness about the move. I know that things will work out OK, but for right now, I'm just not too sure. Things seem to be going crazy all around us. We don't have much time left and we'll be on the road. Three weeks and we should be in our new place. It looks like we got the place that we wanted. The only problem is that my financial past and present is catching up with us once again. Isn't it great. We just have to pay a bigger deposit to get in, but we are in. Just another hurdle sent our way. I'm not sure why all of these things are adding up right now. But they are. In a big way. If everything goes to plan though, we'll be getting into Portland 3 weeks from today. I'm sorry about the frantic pace of this blog. I seem to be losing focus and my mind at the same time. I've spent the last few weeks going through my old things and whittling them down some.I've totally forgotten about the stuff upstairs though. So, while my stuff in the basement is done we still have the rest of the house to pack clean and ship in the next 3 weeks. I'm sure things will work out. I know that things aren't as bad as my mind makes them out to be. Once again I'm sorry about the randomness of this post. As you can tell, sleep is not coming easy or often.



Shawn S. said...

Yay for the apartment! That is nice to get to the place that you really wanted!!! That is just the start of things falling nicely into place. You are in our prayers! Take time to enjoy the adventure! -Sara

Anonymous said...

God is still in control and He knows all about every part of this move.Keep it in His hands!
Love you,