Thursday, May 31, 2007

Good news is finally here.

I know that some of my last posts have seemed pretty down and out, so now that I actually have some good news I thought I'd share it with all of you. Yesterday (Wednesday) evening I got a call from my manager saying that he'd heard back from the Border's in Beaverton and they now have a part time job open. I'm not sure what position it is or how many hours, but they do have an opening. He had also finally written to two of the other stores in the area on Tuesday and today he told me that the store in Tigard is also looking for part time work. I told him today that I'd prefer the Beaverton store and he said he'd contact them and get more info on the job. But it looks like I will have a job after all. I've also realized that it being part time might be for the best, at least for the summer. It will give Jennifer and I plenty of time to settle in and explore the city while still helping to pay the bills. I see this as a huge answer to prayer. I've been feeling pretty upset and anxious about the whole move lately, because nothing seemed to be falling into place like I thought it should. But things are starting to work out now, and I'm feeling much better about the whole thing.

There has also been another change in our moving plans. On Monday I talked my mom and she offered to drive a U-Haul for us to help us save on the cost of moving. We are so grateful that she is willing to do this for us. It will be a huge blessing and weight lifted off our shoulders. I know that everyone all along has been saying that we could have driven the truck just as easily as a car, but it's just not something I feel comfortable with. I drove one around town here when we moved into our current place and I couldn't stand it. And that was just here in town. The thought of bringing this huge truck onto the highway and into the mountains was worth the extra money to me. But now the plans our to load up the truck on Saturday the 9th and then head out Monday the 11th after cleaning and checking out of our place. I thought today that I might look into movers to help us unload once we're in Beaverton, but that's still up in the air right now. I'm just not sure how we'll be able to bring everything up to our second floor apartment. I've done some of this before and I still have the scars to go along with it. Let alone my body already feels like its going to give out. But we'll see about that. As I say that I realize that it's only 2weeks from when we'll move into our new place, but all the same, I'm just not sure about it right now. I'll have to look into it a little more before making a decision. Thoughts and comments are welcome and appreciated. I know that I need all the help I can get to sort out the random thoughts that float through my head sometimes.

Meanwhile, back in boxland, the packing is going fairly well. It looks like we might be selling our washer and dryer tomorrow or Saturday and for more than we thought. ***BONUS*** Plus, one of the guys at work is looking for a car and doesn't really car what condition it's in as long as it runs and is cheap. Both of which describe the Neon to a tee. This means that we'll probably get more for it than we were planning. ***ANOTHER BONUS*** Plus Jennifer is getting a little extra something from work that we may not agree with the whole principle behind, but are happy to take it, especially right now. ***TRIPLE BONUS***

Can anyone tell that I'm in a good mood? I know, I know... it's not what you come here for, but I do like to give good and happy news when at all possible.

Well, I think I'll sign off for today. Sleep would be a nice addition to this day.


Anonymous said...

You have a lot to be thankful for! I'm thrilled about the job possibilities!
You have a cousin and teens in Portland who would probably help you unload for pizza. Also, maybe your Uncle Glenn would be willing to come in to help. It will depend on when you want to unload everything.
I thought you were getting a ground floor apartment so that Buddha wouldn't bother the downstairs neighbors.
Love you,

Shawn S. said...

Glad to hear that things are looking up! -Sara