Saturday, May 12, 2007

What's in a title?

Well, things have been interesting lately. Jennifer has graduated. My parents came down for last weekend. I've now gone to working only 4 days a week (there are many reasons for this, I'll talk more about that later). I'm still not feeling good. My computers been acting up. Now somehow it's working again. After all that I tried I have no idea what fixed it, but it works now and that's the important thing.

So, yeah. I'll try and expand on some of those things here too, but who knows what I'll actually write on.

To start off with, I'm sooooooooooooooooooooooooo proud of Jennifer for graduating. Now she has more education than I'll ever have. It's also nice to have her back. It has been hard on both of us to spend so much time away from each other. And I also include time where she was studying as time apart. It's hard to be together when she miles away. But anyway. So, it's nice to see her relax a little, and I do mean a little.

On to the more stressful thing that closing in on us. We are both looking forward to this move. We both can't wait to get out there. We are so ready to just be out there and getting everything settled down. Right now we are about a month away from the move. It looks like we're going to try and have the truck loaded on June 11th. Then we'll either leave that day or the next morning. I'm not sure about the timing on that. There are a few things we need to get taken care of before that time comes. Some of them I'm really looking forward to. Anytime now, I'm planning on trying to have my car towed to a junk yard. I think it has officially died now. AS I was driving it in the other day, it died as I was pulling into our parking area. I coasted most of the way back to my parking spot and ended up having to push it for part of the way too. Oh well. It's been a good car for a long time. Now that I think of it. The guy that gave it to me said that he prayed over it a few years ago and prayed that it would make it until May. Well... need I say more. It made it several Mays since than, and I'm guessing this was it's last one. Oh well.

My parents were down here last weekend and we had a really good time. We went down to Union Station on Sunday afternoon and looked around downtown Kansas City for a while. It was a really good time.

I decided this week at work that I needed to go to working only 4 days a week for now. I haven't been getting enough time to pack and things are keeping me up at night and I'm just not being able to get over this sickness that's inside of me. Last night I couldn't sleep at all, and so when the time to go work came around this morning, I was in no shape to go in. So I called in and talked to the manager and then went to sleep. I slept for more time than I would have been at work. It was really nice. I'll be working Wed. through Sat. for now. I would actually love to keep that up after we move, but I'm not sure if that will happen. Actually, the way it stands right now, I'm not sure that I'll be working at all. I know that doesn't sound good. But we finally heard back from the Borders in Beaverton and they don't have any spots open. They said that could always change, but for now they can't do anything for me. So, now I have to try and get in contact with the managers at the other area stores.

As far as my computer goes. For a while now it hasn't been working right. It would just stop working sometimes and would just in general act up. So, I've been trying and trying to figure out what's wrong with it. It finally got to the point where I couldn't be on for much more that a minute or two before it wouldn't work anymore. A couple days ago I figured out that we could at least get our mail and do some small this while it ran in safe mode, but not everything worked and it was kinda annoying. The sound doesn't work in safe mode and there is an internet show that I watch every week. Well, yesterday I decided to watch it in the regular mode and see what happened. Well, sometime in the course of that 45 minute show, the computer worked out whatever kinks it had and is now working just fine. It's a little strange to have it working again now. Plus, to know that it was nothing I did after all of the things that I did. Oh well. Like I said earlier, it's working now and that's what matters.

Well, now that I've written way too much, I'll end this now. I should really try writing more so that I don't write forever when I do write.


Mrs. Shafer said...

Oh you make me blush but what do you mean by "a little less stressed"? :-)

I will be SOOO happy when the cars are history :-)

Shawn S. said...

Don't worry, God will take care! I know this is a very stressful time, packing, Jen finishing school, job searches, the fear of the unknown, uncertainty...but you know that God is faithful and holds us in the hollow of His hand.

In the Gospel reading this Sunday PEACE was the heart of the message that Jesus gave to His disciples and to us. One of our seminarians preached about peace and its role with our inner conflict (within ourselves, with others, and most especially witin the Church). You might enjoy hearing it: (which happens to be down at the time I am posting this)...hmmm...

Peace to you in all that you do! -Sara

*Don't forget that a closed door at Borders may just mean an open door somewhere else! Oregon has a lot of amazing jobs - an maybe there is something out there that is better for you! :)