Tuesday, December 05, 2006

I just wanted to put a more positive sounding post up here. I hope that people can see the humor and sarcasm in my last few posts. I don't hate things as much as I sound. I was reading back through some of my previous posts and I didn't hear the sarcasm that I meant to be there. I see a lot of humor in my car breaking. I also see God working in some interesting and amazing ways. It turns out that a few weeks ago one of my father-in-laws friends asked him if Jennifer and I could use a car. He had gotten a new car and didn't need the one he had been driving. At the time we didn't need one. But then this thing happened to my car. I'm now driving his car and will be looking to buy it this weekend sometime. But I'm still able to get to work and not have to take Jennifer out to work. The car is nothing special, but it's a blessing all the same. When we picked is up last night, he told us a story about how a few years ago he asked God to let the car last until May. He didn't specify which May and it's been working for about 5 Mays now. The car is a Chevy Lumina. I'm not sure of the year. Probably early 90's. It's got a lot of miles on it and needs new tires, but seems to be in really good condition. I'll probably try to have a mechanic look at it this week, just to make sure nothing is wrong with it. But will probably buy it nonetheless.

Well, it's time for me to head back to work. I'll see about putting some pictures of the new car up here soon. Maybe later tonight. I know you'll all be sitting on the edge of your seats waiting for them. So I'll try to take care of that soon.


Shawn S. said...

What a blessing! :) -Sara

Mrs. Shafer said...

A car that runs AND has doors that open?! YIPPIE!!