Monday, December 11, 2006

Off Kind Of Day

Well, I don't really have much to say. Things have been really busy at work. Tonight I'm going to try and buy the Lumina. I'm also trying to find a way to get rid of the Buick and take care of that at the same time. I think I've found a place that will buy the Buick for a little money. I'm not sure what it's worth though so it's kinda hard. They only want me to name the price, but I don't want to be too high and I don't want to be too low. I don't know.

I feel like I've lost a few hours today. I've been playing games and such and now it's mid-afternoon and I've barely eaten breakfast let alone gotten ready for the day. Oh well... It is my off day. Or day off however you want to say it.

Well, I don't have much else to say today. I'll keep y'all posted on the car situation. It looks like it might be fun.


Mrs. Shafer said...
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Mrs. Shafer said...

Ok sorry about that last one... here we go again... I'm happy that you are enjoying your days off! I wish that I could join you :-)

Shawn S. said...

Days off during this season...are well deserved! I have been out to the bookstores in our area...YIKES!!! I hope things are going well with the car!