Monday, December 25, 2006

It's A Christmas Miracle

I have to admit that I've been a bit of a Scruge this year about Christmas. I've just been looking forward to it being over. Yesterday was just another day for most of the day. We decided not to go in for morning church. They were having a children's program, but we knew it would be impossible to find a place to sit. Our church recently went from having two locations to one and needed two. So, since they were only having the one service this morning, but decided to sleep in with plans of going to the 11:00pm service. We also planned on going to Jennifer's parents church at 6pm and then having them over to our place for Christmas Eve dinner. We did a whirl wind cleaning session to finish the cleaning that's been going on for a few weeks now and then headed out to OP Church of the Nazerene for their Christmas Eve service. I have to say that I wasn't expecting much, but was very pleasantly surprised. I really enjoyed the music and the scriptures. I just wish we could have sung all the verses of some of the songs, but that's just me. I could sing Christmas songs all night long.

Then it was back to our place to get things ready for dinner. Dinner was a Cole family tradition: turkey sandwiches, Frito's and bean dip, and five-cup salad. Then we gathered around the TV to watch the classic movie, Mickey's Christmas Carol. Once that was over we got ready and went to our church for the late service.

Midway through this beautiful service I realized something. I realized just what was missing from my Christmas season that made it an unbearable time. I forgot the Christ in the mass hysteria. I read something the other day from one of my new favorite Christian bands. The bass player in the band was talking about Christmas. I'll just use his words. They're much better.

"Christmas is coming and are you ready?
We all have heard the Nativity story from our birth, even without growing up in a Christian home, despite what the ACLU and others would like to stop, the story seems to be everywhere, but it seems to have lost its sparkle. If you are anything like me, an ice cold Mountain Dew can really quench a parched throat, and when my throat is dry I desire to feel that cool relief from downing a 20 oz on a hot day. But oftentimes I overwhelm myself with Mountain Dew, after drinking a 6 pack a day suddenly that refreshing flavor and soothing quench is gone and the taste loses its effect. Have I, or we, absorbed so much of the Christmas story that it is no longer that refreshing, exciting, quenching drink it once was?

Rev 2:4 'But I have this against you, that you have left your first love...

In Revelation, John writes to the Church of Ephesus and commends them for their fruit and their perseverance, but he has this one thing to tell them ..You have lost your first love... That freshness that the Gospel brings no longer quenched them as it once did. Not to say they weren..t serving the Lord and toiling for his glory, but it had lost its freshness. How I pray for each of us that this season we might take the time to truly reflect on the amazing story and the best thing to ever happen in the earth and feel that freshness and let the greatness of the Gospel quench our tired souls.

In thinking about the Gospel I am often reminded of the great quote of Charles Spurgeon that rings true to my ears daily:..It is a very lamentable case, is it not, that a person should believe the Gospel to be true, and yet should live as if it were a lie? If it is the truth, why do you not yield obedience to it?..

It is one thing to accept the truth of Jesus and God, for the demons also believe. To know the truth, and to live the truth are two very different things. And don..t just think knowing the truth will get you very far. For a thirsty man may believe in water, but until he embraces it and drinks from it, he will surely die. So take an honest look at your life and your pursuits this holiday season and ask, ..Am I really living out what I believe, has it changed my life so radically that the gates of Hell won..t overcome it?..

2 Timothy 1:7..For God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but of power and love and discipline...

Hunters, be bold this Christmas, take time to share the gospel in the power that it is truly lived, and know that we are praying for you and that our music may give you the boldness and encouragement to be called soldiers for Christ.

Your Brother in Christ,

When I read this a little while back, I realized that I was missing something in the Christmas spirit. But sadly it wasn't until last night when this all became clear to me. I really didn't have any Christ in my mass hysteria. With work and all, I had let myself stray from the real reason for this season. I feel bad for it now, but I must say that it made last night's service even better. It took a Christ Mass, to bring Christ into my Christmas. But at least I'm now happy and enjoying Christmas. What's left of it anyway.

This next part might surprise some people, and after preaching might seem out of place. But when we got home, around 12:30 am, we decided to open the presents and then sleep in this morning. I must say that I like this tradition much more. Sad part is, we both forgot to get things for stockings, so we went without for this year. Which is fine by us. We both enjoyed the sleeping in part as well.

Well, know that I've gone and posted the longest blog I probably ever will, I need to go get ready for Christmas dinner with Jennifer's family. It should be fun.

I hope all of you out there in reader land, enjoyed your Christmas'.



Mrs. Shafer said...

I totally understand. Thank you for the wonderful gifts :o) And for putting up with some of my "silly" traditions. Though I too like the open presents after the 11:00 service and sleeping in (since I was the one who slept the most) :o)

Shawn S. said...

Here! Here! I think that is why we so enjoy the Advent season. It really helps us to keep the right focus. Somehow lighting those candles each night, saying those Advent prayers, not immediately decorating for the holiday, and not singing Christmas carols at church and home really makes a difference!

We are able to have peace in the chaos (that isn't to say that we didn't have a few stressful moments this past weekend (we hadn't started the gift portion of the holiday....and though that is not THE most important part...)).

It is amazing to me that even if you keep Christ in it all (through Advent as we tried to do) the chaos, stress, tears (in my case), hurriedness and a definite ABSENCE of peace can still creep in and send you astray! Thanks for this post! -Sara