Thursday, January 04, 2007

I don't have a whole lot of time right now, but I'll say a few things to let you all know that I'm still alive and kicking. It seems that every time I post on here I'm talking about the cars in my life and the problems I've had with them. Well, yet again we're having a little bit of car trouble. At least this time it's not my car, it's Jennifer's. We think it might just the battery. We let it sit there for most of the time she had off from school and she says that she thinks the battery was having some problems before that too. The problem now, is finding time to get it taken care of.

On other car news I finally went and got plates for my new car. Which means tonight I can bring the old plates and things back to the guy I bought it from. I'm sure he's wondering what's up with the long wait. I have to say that it's not all my fault on this one though. I had to wait for my insurance company to send me proof of insurance. I didn't get that until midway through last week, and if you've read Jennifer's or Shawn and Sara's blogs, you'll know that last week was a busy week. Busy in a very good way, but busy none the less.

Well, all I can say is that with each new day I look forward to being car-free. I'm also looking at ways to be car-lite while still living here. I'm going to try and ride my bike to work and just use my car for backup purposes. We'll see how this all works out.

Well, I need to get going to work. I'll try and write more later.

1 comment:

Shawn S. said...

Yay! Car-lite! I can tell that our Christmas present is being used. Yippee!

I feel a lot less "yippee" about Jen's car. Hopefully it is an easy fix!!!! -Sara