Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Car Stuff

Well, as a running theme on here I've kept you all updated on my car situation. So, here is some more car news. As some of you may know, Jennifer and I are planning on moving this summer, and when we move we're going to go car-free. It's something that I'm looking forward to more and more with everyday that goes by. So, for Christmas, Shawn and Sara got us a book called How to Live Well Without Owning a Car By Chris Balish. I finished this book over the weekend and I'm already looking for ways to go car-lite while still living in Lenexa. This means I'm trying to find ways to not drive as much and get to work sometimes without driving my car. I'm going to start walking with the hopes of soon walking to or from work. I probably won't do this everyday right now, mainly because I'm completely out of shape. But I would like to do this some, so that when I do move it will make the transition that much easier. So, thank you Shawn and Sara for the book and also the advice you have given us. The book was very helpful and has given me a lot to think about and look forward to.

On other car news. I sold my Buick on Monday. I got a whopping $250 for it. But seeing as I paid $500 for it almost 3 years ago. I'd say that it was a pretty good deal. I ended up selling it to a salvage yard about 40 miles south of here. Then with the money from that I bought a new battery for Jennifer's car and it seems to be working now as well. So, things are looking good in the car area for right now.

All of the car problems that we've been having lately, will just make being car-free all that much sweeter when that day finally comes. I can tell you that it feels great to not own 3 cars anymore. Being back to just 2 working cars is great. I pray that things will keep up like this for the next few months. I really can't wait to get this move over with. The looking forward to part is eating me up. I can't sleep at night sometimes just thinking about the things that we have in store for us. And yes I do know that not everything will be easy. But I do know that I can't wait to get out there and get settled. We are going out to Portland in March to get a look at things on the ground and hopefully find a place to live when we do move.

Well, anyway. That's the news on the car situation. I hope things are good for all of you.

1 comment:

Shawn S. said...

YAY!!! Again, I am so glad that this book is a comfort to you and that the ar situation is faring a little better than in your last post! -Sara