Sunday, January 28, 2007

Freedom Writers

Earlier in the week, Jennifer found out that she could go and see the movie Freedom Writers because they were giving away tickets to teachers this weekend at all AMC Theaters. So, we got together with her parents and went to see it last night. I wasn't expecting a whole lot, when I went in. I figured it would be about the same as all the other inspirational teacher story that are already out there. But I have to say that it was great. I found myself crying and laughing and generally thankful for all the teacher in my life. I'm am surrounded by them.
Steve asked me afterwords if it made me want to be a teacher. It didn't, but it did give me a greater respect for the teachers in my life. I do know what it's like to be the husband and hear all the stories and feel all the strife that being a teacher brings. But I also get to see all the joys that teaching brings too. So, just a note to all those teachers who might read this. Thanks. Thanks for not giving up on the ones who nobody else cares about. The students that are just putting in their time. The ones that hate you. The ones that annoy you. The ones that love you. The ones who never seem to go away and the ones that leave too soon. I think I've been all of these at some point in my life. I think we all are to be teachers, in some way or another. I think we all have a lot to learn from each other. I also think we have a lot to learn from movies like this. No one should be forgotten. Whether because of mental or environmental handicaps, everyone needs to learn.
Now that that's off my chest, I'll let everyone go. If you get the chance, see this movie.

1 comment:

Shawn S. said...

Thanks Geoff! As a teacher, I really appreciate your words! I have heard really great things about this movie. I hope we can go soon! -Sara