Thursday, January 25, 2007

New Looks and Stuff

First off, you may have noticed that earlier today I changed things around a bit. I got tired of the old look and title and feel of things and also got tired of hearing how depressing it all sounded. So, things have changed. I hope you like it.

Second here are some pictures of our snow. I promised to put some up a few days ago. Now, the snow is almost all gone. But it was "fun" while it lasted.

This is the plow almost hitting Jennifer's car. Yes the big mound on the right is her car.
This is the view from outside. Thats all the snow they cleared off of the lot.
Out front our snow people were right at home.
Well, not a whole lot else has been happening. Just work and sleep. I really enjoyed having the four day weekend. It was great and very needed. I finally had a chance to just slow down and relax after the holidays. The bad thing about the way Christmas fell this year is that they were on my days off, so I didn't get any extra days off. It was nice to have Christmas Eve and Christmas off, but it also would have been nice to have that extra day in there. Oh well. I was more than ready to go back to work after the weekend. It really was just what I needed.
Well, I think that's all for now. I'll try and keep updating more. I always mean to, but forget when I have the time.


Anonymous said...

I really like the new look! You had a lot more snow than we did! Love, Mom

Shawn S. said...

LOVE IT! LOVE IT! LOVE IT!!! Looks great! Love the new title, very fun! And your snow makes ours look decidedly wimpy!!! -Sara