Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Not much has been happening lately. It snowed or something similer to snow fell from the sky anyway. It's basicaly freezing rain and now we have a few inches of ice on everything. Which makes driving fun. It also takes forever to get into you car. Yesterday I left 30 minutes early for work to scrape off my windows and then get to work. I ended up being about 15 minutes late for work because it took me 45 minutes to scrape all the ice off my car. Plus it seems that something is wrong with the lock on my driver's side door. I have such great luck with cars, don't I.

Last Thursday I came home to find out that our cable had gone out for some reason. It turns out that the cable from the box in the back to our house had gone out. But they couldn't come out to look and find out what was wrong until Saturday. This wouldn't be a big deal if we didn't get our cable, phone and internet through the same people. As it turned out it wasn't a bad thing anyway. Without the distractions that keep me occupied on a daily basis, I read the last half of Eragon in those 3 days. I loved it. It seemed to get better as it went along. I think Christopher Paolini was learning as he went along. I hated how he finished it though. Not that the writing was bad, or anything like that. Let's just say that I'm happy that the second book, Eldest, is out or I might have gone mad waiting to find out what happened. I'm now reading Eldest and loving it too. Even though I've heard some bad things about the Eragon movie, I'm still looking forward to seeing it. I know that it won't compare to the book, but I'm hoping that it won't be a complete disaster. I've also heard, from people wh0 haven't read the book, that's it's a pretty good movie. So, I'm trying to find a time to go and see it.

Well, I think that's all for me today.

1 comment:

Shawn S. said...

I hear you on Eragon! The ending was a bit of an unfair cliff-hanger. I read it fast too , once I really got into it! Just wait until you get to the end of Eldest. I am ready for #3 already. Christopher better get on it! :) -Sara